Tuesday, July 17, 2007

At the end of my rope.......

I don't have a picture of my baby because he is still held up inside so I am posting this pic. This is perhaps the cutest thing I have seen in a long time. This is my friend's baby with a huge rescued pig at a Sanctuary in Australia. This pig was rescued from a factory farm and is obviously doing very well now. How beautiful to see how much this little girl loves this animal who is 100 times her size.

I haven't been posting as much as I like because I am so very uncomfortable. I am going in for acupressure this Saturday morning to see if it will move things along. My due date is not until next Wednesday but the doctors that are on call after Wednesday will just not do. My friend's husband, the acupuncturist, offered to help and my doctor seemed to think it was the only safe choice out of my list of crazy labor inducers. I will let you know what happens- the suspense is killing me. The whole not knowing when your whole life will be turned upside down thing is really getting to me. Can't you tell?


Lauren Dorsee Dillon said...

i remember when I was due with the twins and how incerdibly uncomfortable I was. Eating and sleeping were near impossible. One baby was stomping on my bladder while the other was pushing up into my lungs. It was miserable BUT the payoff was huge and well worth it. If I think about it, I remember the pain but most of all, I remember the joy. I wish you well; keep us posted.

Lauren Dorsee Dillon said...

Any news???!!!