Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Bunny Binkies

You gotta see some bunny binkies. Binkies are the spastic bunny dances that they do when they are happy and content. In my house: when the dog is out with daddy and I bring the buns up to the living room to play.

Check out the following videos on You Tube:


If only I could catch Phil on tape doing a binky. He is a pro. Loddy will do an occasional binky but she is much more reserved. I think she is of the Victorian Era.

My two buns live primarily in the basement, where the dog doesn't dare venture. They have two exercise pens put together and lots of houses and toys. This morning my husband went to the top of the stairs and looked down and Phil was throwing things at him- not in his bunny cage. He somehow jumped over the 3-4 foot cage and spent the night rummaging through the basement. Very tricky fella. Needless to say, Loddy was right where we had left her.

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