Friday, May 4, 2007

Cool Bunny Site and Product

Your bun will love this. This is the Bunny Luv Critter Castle. I bought one for Phil and Loddy but a different brand and they are in it non-stop.

Loddy is a little too plump still to spend much time on the upper levels but Phil guards the fort from the second level and even comes flying out the second story windows. They move it around the ex pen and carve their own designs into the windows and doors.

Bunny Luv is one of the coolest sites for buying your buns special treats.

Some of my personal favorites on this site are: Pet Rescue Alert Window Cling, Critter Castles (of course), and the Tunnel of Luv. Check them out!

Please let me know if you have any favorite bunny goods or sites that I can share! Buns are so popular in the UK and so there are so many great places to shop there, so we need to list all the great places in the US that carry bun goods.

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