Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Quick Reference Site for Toxin Crazy Folks Like Me

Pollution in People is a local group that has information on their site that will not overwhelm but does give a good overview and actual recommendations! Check them out and look at alternatives that are less toxic for you and your kids, buds, and bunnies.

Update on the car seat problem. I returned the toxic car seat (according to article in Seattle Times), then I went and looked at the ones they called "less toxic" and they were cheap and flimsy. So, I bought the toxic one again because it is the sturdiest. Then I put it out in the sun, thinking the air and rays would help it to off-gas faster. I emailed the eco group that put the article out and told them my idea and they told me that the sun's rays make it more toxic. Fun! I have no resolution to this problem as of yet. According to the above web site the brand Chicco doesn't use PVC's which is one of the toxins found in the car seats. I have an email out to them to see if they use the bad fire retardants (PBDE's). Any ideas are welcome. FYI- I already heard the "keep your head up your a** and don't read anything" idea- didn't work- head won't go there.

1 comment:

Russ Batson said...

You should be aware that the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission is working on a regulation that would require PBDE's to be used in upholstered furniture. The U.S. Senate has announced hearings this month--get this--on why the regulation is taking so long. It would be constructive to contact your Senators about this.