Sunday, May 27, 2007

Sad Used Tissue- I cry for you...

See post titled "What?". This is the artist who makes Sad Moldy Bread and Tampon stuffed toys. Now My Paper Crane is making a bathroom line including "Sad Used Tissue". Here's what the artist had to say about the sorry tissue: "Used little wads of tissue! Each one varies slightly from the last. Perhaps it was a cold, or allergies...they were used, and then thrown away, its all rather sad. Please note no real boogies are used in the construction of these tissues (you will have to use your imagination!)"

I am going to buy these for the baby to teach him about empathy.


Anonymous said...

And teach him too how kercheifs are better! Cloth diapers, napkins, and nose blowers! Empathy's a good lesson though. Nice thinking!

Anonymous said...

Interesting to know.